25 September, 2006
The road seemed to never end. The snow had been shoveled as best it could to the side but had started to build up again. I had been walking for so long I was hearing voices in my head, and seeing things up the road that when I got there; there lie nothing. I kept walking; the same steps after the same steps. I kept watching my feet, left right, left. It became such a routine that my feet just kept going. As my feet kept leading the way I saw something in the distance. It was a carriage, or my mind was playing tricks on me. I made my way towards the carriage hoping to get out of the cold. Inside the carriage was a man. The way he stared at me was as if he had seen a spirit. I had been walking so long that my face was turning a shade of blue. I hadn't had food for a day and shelter for three. Jacob was his name, and he took me to the closest town. The darkness started to cover the trees, and as we arrived in the town. My money was low, so where I decided to sleep was limited. A found an alley that kept me about as warm as it could. I made it through the night and got a little food in the morning. The town was small, but seemed different than most towns I had seen. The snow had stopped, and settled on the roofs of the town. The people seems to be enjoying the morning. I was walking down the street and I heard something that caught my ears. It gave me a sense of ease. I had to know where it was coming from. It seemed to echo through the street. Where was it coming from? I searched the windows when I came to a home. The upstairs window was open and the breeze made the curtains sway. The sound was coming from that room. The breeze got stronger, but the sound kept me. I stayed in the street and listened until it ended. I had never heard anything like it. I waited in hope that the person that was playing it would leave so that I could meet them. An hour later she came out, covered in warm clothing to keep her from shivering. I followed her to the store just to meet her. When she got in she took off her coat. She was even more beautiful than the song. Her eyes shined, and her smile made me draw a blank. Who was this girl that could create such beautiful noise. I was intrigued by everything she had to offer. I had to meet her.
16 September, 2006
13 September, 2006
Log 11: June 4th, 1953
I woke up today to the sound of something I couldn't quite grasp. I knew that sound. My head played tricks on me as I lye in that waking stage. I had yet to open my eyes. I thought maybe a dream, but the sound was familiar. I opened my eyes to look around. Where am I? I couldn't remember anything. As I looked around there was nobody in the room. The walls were painted dark red with small blue shapes all over. I was in a small bed, and next to the bed was a lantern. Across the room from the bed was a cabinet. That was all that lingered in this large room. It had a very eire feel to it, Dark, and cold; almost seeming like the room grew as you looked around. All I could do was wonder why I was here, and how I got here. Then the sound came again. Very faint, its rhythm swayed through my ears giving me this feeling that was so hard to describe. I knew that song. Somewhere in my past, somewhere that my mind no longer allowed me to remember is where that song lye. As I got up out of bed my legs gave on me as if I hadn't walked for God knows when. There I was, on the ground pondering. Pondering of what? I didn't know. There was nothing, I couldn't remember what had happened to put me in this place. Suddenly a draft came in from behind me feeling as if my past had come back but quickly ran past me. I was left alone in this room trying to get my legs back to the way they once were. I saw a door that blended into the wall. Why it blended, I couldn't say. It seemed to be my only way out.